There is a full Light is Sweet to celebrate Spring. I like to try to add a little more content to the online version.
More than anything though you are listening to this new piece by my friend Mike. He has called it “September News” – which I think has just the right ring to it – it being the August newsletter and all that.
Well – you know…
Newsflash – Calendar 2025 is out

The news is that the corporate gift version of the 2025 Fine Art Watercolour Calendar is out and in print.
Send me a note at stephen at SJQWatercolour dot com if you would like to give your clients a great end of year gift
The Lanzerac Collection
The Lanzerac Collection is aaaallll but finished. There are always small updates to make – while avoiding “overwork”. It is a narrow path.
At least the final watercolour is done – mmm…
Yeah it is done. Here it is. What do you think?

This is the path coming down to the Spa from the reception area. I love the wonky gate posts and the oak tree

This is the Manor House looking up from the gate. I liked the silhouette of the eagle sculpture on the gate. And the Pieke in the background. There used to be two Cypress trees which obscured the view of the mountains but I see they have been taken down, maybe they blew over in the strong winds we have experienced this year.

This is the view up the Jonkershoek Valley from the slopes of Stellenbosch Mountain.
The Book Cover
My good friend Jung Lee asked me to create the cover for a book he has written about his mission work in Africa. He created and launched a discipleship program here in The Western Cape. In the book he talks about how God is using this program to bring healing to communities here in South Africa as well as other countries in Africa (and Canada). His first community chose to call the program “Vukukhanye,” which in Xhosa means ‘rise and shine’. They call it “Vuku” for short.
The English edition of the book has been shipped for printing.

Here is the cover for the Korean edition of the book.

You can read about the work of Jung and Helen Lee by clicking on the button below:
New Sketchbook
I have once more opened a new category in my gallery. This time I have started to present the better pets watercolours I have created. In six years of painting one watercolour a day (in addition to my consulting work) I created many watercolours of my dogs and cat. Here are some initial entries on the gallery.
These watercolours have all been done from life. But I have also completed commissions for people who want a watercolour of their pets. Drop me a note if you would like a quote on a watercolour of one of your pets.

Respond to “Light is Sweet”
“Light is Sweet” is the official newsletter for SJQ Watercolour .
Please feel free to share this email far and wide.
And if this is the first time you read this note AND you would like to stay in touch – please click on the link below to sign up for “Light is Sweet”.
Brandberg Namibia
Here is a refresh of articles I posted as I created two large scale versions of Brandberg in Namibia. The view is from the Uis – Brandberg Wes road. Here is the early morning view of The Brandberg.

Each of these watercolours is 1500 by 1000mm which for me was a large scale at the time (2009). I now have some large sheets of watercolour paper and intend to do these views again.
Watercolour Classes
Watercolour classes are now running on a Saturday morning at my gallery in Bizweni Ave.
Also, I am doing a regular watercolour workshop at Helderberg Fine Art Studios – on a Saturday afternoon.
Saturday’s are full. But it is so inspiring to work with people as they wrestle with this wonderful medium that is so simple, and yet so hard to harness.
And there we are
July and August
Two crazy months
In a rather weird year
There was one more thing
but I will keep it for next edition
Actually two things
So there we are
A cliff-hanger and everything
Till next edition…
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