Here is a watercolour I posted in 2008. This near the boardwalk to The Pipe.
I have been reading Charles Reid again – The Natural Way to Paint and his latest book on Watercolour solutions. He has such a vibrant way of portraying scenes on site. This is definitely worth working towards. And his figures are so alive. this will need lots of practice. Yesterday I did my scene at Strand Beach again. It also got messy towards the end. The day was very hot, I must get a good umbrella. I photographed a couple and offered to put paintings of them on the this site. Here is my first attempt – I will put the final product on my gallery page – in fact I will create a page for this type of work.
OK – I have just read Charles’ approach again in “Watercolor solutions” and am following his instructions. It is interesting, he suggests doing the darks first to get the value range right. So I have redrawn the picture and have done the darks. Now I am going to have a quick swim then return to do more.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank Cecily in CJs Coffee shop for introducing me to Gypsey Music (Putamayo – Gypsey Groove – really cool stuff).
So here is painting so far…
Ok this is starting with the figure in the foreground. I think I have got into trouble with the hair – too much detail and I still have to do the sea
Now I have done the chap – OK so far. Those Gypsies…
And now I have put in the background – the sea worked OK around the woman’s head. Now I am listening to the Stones…
OK here is the final product. I may touch it up a little tomorrow but my son is pushing to go down to the beach for a last surf on this beautiful, hot summer day.

Leaving Pipe Beach
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