Professional surf competition returned to Cape Town after a break of 21 years (apparently) and we went to Misty Cliffs on the West coast of the Penninsula to watch.  It was a grey day with threatening rain later as a new cold front came in.  But the sun broke through now and again this morning.   These events are fun and I wanted to have another go at capturing they buzz.  I wanted to paint at least one watercolour.  I have been hopping from one consulting job to the next for the last two months so it was great to just sit on the bank, tune out the crowd and paint.   So here is the first watercolour:


While I was doing this painting I heard the announcer tell one of the surfers in the water that it was a “lekker” wave.  He had to explain that it means “good”, which I have had to explain on this blog too.

And I did another one.  I went back to where we had parked and had a cup of coffee (Yirgacheffe – which has the most amazing aroma when it is freshly brewed).  Then I took my fold up chair, which lay on the ground next to me as I sat on a convenient rock.  heh heh.  I had also brought my studio brushes and used a nice #12 sable round for this.  So I didn’t have to keep pulling loose hairs out of the brush.  Here is the watercolour:


The settlement at Misty Cliffs is round the corner and the Kommetjie crayfish factory is just off-screent to the left.  By the time I had finished there were excellent, huge waves rolling in and my sons told me that there was some excellent surfing.  I packed my chair and got back to the event as the family were heading back.

Misty Cliffs is a great name – and apt for the area.  This morning I phoned my mate Andy to find out where they were competing and he told me they could hardly see the guys out on the water.  And so is Kommetjie.  A “Kom” is a bay and the “tjie” suffix is a diminutive.  So it is a town called “Little Bay” which a bit more creative than Scarborough, just up the drag which is another (admittedly evocative) name borrowed from Britain (or was it Simon and thingy – (o:).