Stephen Quirke
We have a mountain in the middle of our town.
And long ago, some far thinking people decided to reserve some land up the slope of the mountain to provide access to this slice of wild beauty.
The view from The Duck Pond
Many many times I have sat at the Duck Pond to try to make sense of our beautiful mountain that changes every time I look up from a brush-stroke.

And here is a painting with the boardwalk the klonks its way around the Duck Pond

Paintings in the Gorge
Just to the East of West Peak there is a ravine filled with beautiful trees. There is a spring in the gorge that usually trickles all the way through Summer. Beautiful, sweet sparkling water. I like to walk up to the Gorge and refill my water bottles once or twice a week.
And there are some beautiful scenes. In the winter there are little waterfalls. And at all times there are exposed roots. Clearly the water has come gushing down here in the past. Here are some of my paintings from the Gorge. The waterfall:

The roots

And just other side of the gorge, a rock in the sunshine in a quick sketch on a hike with Ethan. There was no time for more watercolour.

Views of False Bay
Where ever you walk on Helderberg you will be treated to beautiful views of False Bay. Here are some of the views I have painted in watercolour.

Watsonia Trail
Helderberg looms calm and impressive over reserve. And if you hike to the East you can begin to see craggy view of the mountain skyline. The Watsonia Trail will take you over to the Eastern border of the reserve and up under these cliffs. I sometimes wander up there to paint watercolours of the mountain.

The little spring in the gorge finds it way over the Watsonia trail before leaving the reserve and entering the golf estate next door. The other day I sat in the water on the road to paint the brambles where the little river splashed its way into the bush.