We have just returned from a night-over in ‘Beddies’. Thats what the surfers call it “hey man I was in Beddies yesterday – and it was sick”. Betty’s Bay. We have friends with a cottage just below Luiperdskloof. We got there in the late afternoon yesterday and while the boys went off for a surf I sat and painted a watercolour. Actually it was from about the same spot where I had painted in the pouring rain last year and the watercolour had suffered the same treatment as I. W. Spider. Here is how it looked yesterday:
While I was painting the wisp of cloud over the mountain developed into a dense blanket obliterating any view above a few hundred feet.
The next morning I got up early and painted the from behind our friends cottage.
Their back-garden is a riot of fynbos and indigenous trees, with a small patch of Buffalo Grass – a broad-leafed lawn grass that is indigenous to the area. What a pleasant way to start the day. Later the wind picked up and though we went for a surf it was not very much. We went to Pringle bay, which is tucked away between the two peaks I paint on the far right in the mountains I paint from “The Pipe”. I wanted to do a quick sketch but was outvoted by the boys.
Later in the day I painted Rob, our host as he read the paper and chatted:
And then we went down to the break at Betty’s a last time to see if the break was working. There was a strong South Easter blowing on shore so no-one surfed but some of the group went for a walk down the beach which was quite wild in the wind. I found a vegetation covered dune and got my stuff ready to paint. I had to tape everything down but even so the wind kept lifting the paper from the sketch book to which it was taped. Julian took this shot of me painting:
Gives new meaning to “whatever blows your hair back” heh heh.
And here is the painting I did:
All quite rushed but there it is.
These are wonderful, you wanderer, you. I really like your portrait of your friend. Nice attention payed to what counts. I also am very impressed with the one of the cloud covering the mountain.
Hi Leslie – thanks for this – it is such a beautiful place – we walked up the mountain to see the flowers (I will get the name) I had gastro and was feeling awful but wanted to sit and sketch but had not taken any paper to paint on so I just lay in the cool air and snoozed before wandering – definitely on my list to go up there again. S
Hey Stephen, first of all, where are your shoes? What if you cut yourself and it gets infected???
Love how you captured the mist in the first painting. You have a wonderful way with foliage and it shows in that tree in the second painting.
I like the portrait of Rob and even your “rushed” painting has a wonderful airy quality to it. The water is quite inviting.
Still cold here.
Man I really feel for you with the cold weather – we are still cooking here even though it is windy – which is a serious fire hazard round here.
the shoes business could have been much MUCH worse – as you know – but I really like walking on the beach barefoot. I have a kind of a rule about it.
Thanks for the comments
I am amazed at how much you get done in a day! These will hold your lovely memories.
Hi Linda – paintings carry a lot of memory value hey? There is something about seeing enough to put it down – cheers hey S
You are lucky to live in a very beautiful place like these one from your paintings. I think that you admire the nature and in the same time you give a personal touch through your watercolors 🙂
Is it your portrait? Beautiful work, my friend! I’ve always tried to make myself the portrait and I’ve never succeed it 🙁 I think that is not for me this ;))
Enjoy the moment, my friend! 🙂
Hi Alina – yes I love nature – I love to feel sand sifting through my toes when I sit and I love the sound of leaves in the breeze – all very special to me as I see it is to you.
thanks for the comment on my watercolours. The portrait is of my friend in whose house we stayed, I also battle with portraits, sometimes the paint doesn’t do just what I want and then the portrait can be un-flattering but I think it is worth persisting. Have a great day your side – S
Another lovely and delicate painting. I also love the gentleman. What a fun outing, wind and all…
Hi Isabelle – thanks – it is really good to be out there