Dog Pool on Lourens River

Dog Pool on Lourens River

Dog Pool on Lourens River

Watercolour on 300gm Arches Hot Pressed
370 x 280 mm


Dog Pool on Lourens River

Every year, after the rainy season, people in the town would build a rock weir across the river. The river would back up enough to provide a splash pool for dogs and children on hot days.
I have sat here often to paint watercolour sketches of the site. And I have been licked in the face by many dogs in the process. It is after all their spot.
In the last two years the rain has been so heavy that the river changed course, washing away shrubs and boulders.
This was one of the paintings that led up to a breakthrough in my watercolour approach.


Watercolour on 300gm Arches Hot Pressed
370 x 280 mm

Additional information

Image Type

Original Watercolour, Limited Edition High Resolution Print, High Resolution A3 Print

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