Tankwa Karoo looking to Ganaga Pass

Tankwa Karoo looking to Ganaga Pass

Tankwa Karoo looking to Ganaga Pass

Watercolour on 300gm Arches Hot Pressed
610 x 460 mm


Tankwa Karoo looking to Ganaga Pass

After the peaks and forests in Somerset West and Cape Town it was a challenge to be back in the ‘ver verlate vlaktes’.
The scant middle ground topography was more than compensated by the proliferation of tol-bossies. Little round bushes everywhere. And when you look closely, each bush is filled with intricate detail.

Watercolour on 300gm Arches Hot Pressed
610 x 460 mm

Additional information

Image Type

Original Watercolour, Limited Edition High Resolution Print, High Resolution A3 Print

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