Rain in the Tankwa Karoo
Watercolour on 300gm Arches Hot Pressed
610 x 460 mm
Rain in the Tankwa Karoo
Watercolour on 300gm Arches Hot Pressed
610 x 460 mm
Rain in the Tankwa Karoo
Early in 2024 I sat on a koppie near a ruined farmhouse, not far from the skooltjie. The day started off cool under a cloudy sky. Then the clouds cleared and the sun beat down as I worked on my watercolour sketch. When I had finished I walked down to the ruin. And then it started to rain. Heavy rain. I took cover under a door lintel in the ruin. Then the sun beat down again and all my kit dried out.
As I sat looking over the landscape a great storm cloud passed in the distance. A downpour of rain watered the Karoo.
Watercolour on 300gm Arches Hot Pressed
610 x 460 mm
Image Type | Original Watercolour, Limited Edition High Resolution Print, High Resolution A3 Print |